Squarespace is a website... that makes websites. Which means the Singularity is upon us. Starring Adam Driver, Adam Driver & Adam Driver.



One of Squarespace’s key benefits as a product is its simplicity — it’s incredibly easy to build a website or online store using our platform. Our challenge was to explain it in an equally simple way and the solution was found in our founding story. When our CEO Anthony Casalena started the company, he often pitched it to potential clients as “a website that makes websites.” We took that genius bit of accidental copywriting and made it the centerpiece of our campaign.


In our film, the realization that Squarespace is a website that makes websites sends actor Adam Driver on an epic journey to the fraying edges of reality, where he spawns multiple versions of himself and ultimately triggers “The Singularity” — the end of our physical reality and the beginning of something new. We continued to explore all of those themes in the surrounding films, posters, social posts and website.

→ Poster Series

→ Singularity Loops

→ On set with Adam Driver

→ Post Singularity 15s


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